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A discussion of network culture and its political aspects also requires the consid eration of computer games blood pressure solutions cardura 1 mg discount without a prescription, which have emerged as a dominant cultural form and area of artistic practice over the past couple of decades. Flanagan makes three propositions-regarding the examination of dominant values, the notion of goals, and the creation of extreme and unfamiliar kinds of play-to illustrate how games can become a site of investigation for gender, politics, and culture, and how artists can design from a "critical play" perspective. Coming from very different perspectives, the chapters in this section strive to provide a framework for approaching the sociopolitical context of digital art and its history. When it comes to an indepth analysis of the complexities of this relationship, a lot of groundwork remains to be done. Key factors in this endeavor are investigations of arthistorical developments relating to techno logical and participatory art forms and their exhibition histories; as well as continuous assessment of the challenges that digital media art poses to institutions and the art market in terms of presentation, collection, and preservation. He defines the relational aesthetics approach as "a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space" (Bourriaud 2006, 163). Obviously, this set of artistic practices also is key to most of new media art in the age of the World Wide Web. One could argue that the participatory, "socially networked" art projects of the 21st century, which have received considerable attention from art institutions, all respond to contemporary culture, which is shaped by networked digital technologies and "social media"-from the World Wide Web to locative media, Facebook, and YouTube-and the changes they have brought about. However, art that uses these technologies as a medium still remains largely absent from major exhibitions in the mainstream artworld. While art institutions and organizations now commonly use digital technologies in their infrastructure-"connecting" and distributing through their web sites, Facebook pages, YouTube channels, and Twitter tours-they still place emphasis on exhibiting more traditional art forms that reference technological culture or adopt its strategies in a nontechnological way. While different in their scope and strategies, the new media arts of the 1960s and 1970s and today faced similar resistances and challenges that led to their separation from the mainstream artworld, respectively. Apart from historical baggage, the reasons for the continuing disconnect between new media art and the mainstream artworld lie in the challenges that the medium poses when it comes to the understanding of its aesthetics; its presentation and reception by audiences; as well as its preservation. Edward Shanken has researched this disconnect for many years, and his contribution to this book proposes that new media art has both tried to situate its practices within the theoretical and exhibition contexts of mainstream contemporary art and, at the same time, has developed its own theoretical language and institutional contexts. Shanken argues that the former attempts remained largely fruitless while the latter became so successful that an autonomous, but also isolated, new media artworld emerged.


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In place of traditional media pulse pressure of 70 order cardura 4 mg online, declared dead by postmodernism, these artists, she claims, have adopted alternative forms of "technical supports. Such contentions, tenuous at best, limit the interpretation of highly complex works and practices to a single aspect- just as Greenberg did-obscuring the complex layering of ideas, media, and technical supports that converge in them. But it does the same violence to the subtleties of the specific media-and media ecologies-that the artists employ in, and as part of, their work. The artist Krauss singles out as the primary culprit of postmediality is Joseph Kosuth, whose offense appears to be a postDuchampian theory and practice that is not limited to mediumspecific concerns but demands a broader questioning of the nature of art itself, as articulated in his influential threepart essay "Art After Philosophy" (1969). Susan Kozel (artistic direction and concept), Jeannette Ginslov (video, edit, and concept), Wubkje Kuindersma (dance), Camilla Ryd (images and interaction design), Jacek Smolicki (sound), Daniel Spikol (technical production), Oliver Starpov (dance). Dance improvisation and screen dance techniques for video capture and editing are combined with augmented reality. Choreographies are suspended as hidden layers of media, discovered by joining physical space and smart devices. This tension is, in fact, as Artie Vierkant (2010) argues, a central concern of so called postInternet artists (including Oliver Laric, Seth Price, and himself), for whom the artwork "lies equally in the version of the object one would encounter at a gallery or museum, the images and other representations disseminated through the Internet and print publications, bootleg images of the object or its representations, and variations on any of these as edited and recontextualized by any other author. The theories and technologies at the core of the historical development of new media tools, together with the artistic and social practices associated with their application, seem to occupy a hybrid stance, straddling medium specificity and a range of nonspecific tendencies, including intermedia, multimedia, participation, and convergence. On one hand, new media practices and discourses embrace medium specificity, paralleling structural film practices. For example, the early work of Steina and Woody Vasulka explores the intrinsic material qualities of video as an electronic medium, including the relationship between audio and video, feedback, and realtime registration. On the other hand, the foundational principle of digital computing theorized by Alan Turing conceives of the computer as a "universal machine," one that can emulate the specific functions of any other dedicated device. C o n t e m p o r a ry a rt a n d n e w m e d i a 473 Contra Krauss, this affirmation of what might be called "postmedia multiplicity" should be embraced as a strategic questioning of the nature of media in artistic, technological, and social contexts. Along these lines, the curator suggests that, art creates an awareness about production methods and human relationships produced by the technologies of its day. In part this failure can be explained, if not excused, on the basis of the nature of the media and the theoretical commitments of the artists working with them. For example, in some cases it is difficult to justify displaying a work of net art in an art museum or gallery. This position is enabled not just by the explicit use of technological media but by challenging the museum and gallery-or any specific locale-as the privileged site of exhibition and reception.

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The q u e stio n of h o w m u c h institutional a p p a r a tu s is re q u ire d to satisfy the definition need not arrhythmia low blood pressure cheap cardura 1 mg online, indeed sh o u ld not, be a n s w e re d by setting som e specific criterion o r precise po in t on a c o n tin u u m. The activities involved can be carried on by varying n u m b e rs of people, a n d with o u t the full-blown institutional a p p a r a tu s o f su c h w ell-equipped w orlds as s u r ro u n d c o n the m p o ra ry s c u lp tu re a n d p ain tin g or sy m p h o n ic m usic a n d g ra n d o pera. W h en w e speak of art w orlds, we usually have in m in d these w ell-equipped ones, but in fact paintings, books, m usic, a n d all sorts of o th e r artistic o bjects a n d p e rfo rm a n c e s can be p ro d u c e d w ithout all the s u p p o rt p erso n n e l these w orlds d e p e n d on: critics, im presarios, fu r nishers of m a terials a n d e q u ip m e n t, providers of space, a n d au diences. At a n extrem e, re m e m b e r, a n y artistic activity can be d o n e by one person, w h o p e rfo rm s all the n e ce ssary activ ities; this is n o t c o m m o n a n d n o t a condition m a n v artists aspire to (though one they so m e tim e s yearn for w h e n they have tro u b le with their fellow participants). Call the first po in t of organization an esoteric w orld a n d the latter o n e exoteric. The n a m e s a n d the cutoff points m a tte r less th a n the recognition th a t they are^ a rb i trary, the reality being a variety of points th a t v a ry along several continua. N either Dickie n o r D anto is very clear as to how m a n y art w orlds there are. Dickie says: the artworld consists of a bundle of systems: theater, painting, literature, music, and so on, each of which furnishes an institutional background for the conferring of status on objects within its domain. No limit can be placed on the number of systems that can be brought under the generic conception of art, and each of the major subsystems contains further subsystems. These features of the artworld provide the elasticity whereby creativity of even the most radical sort can be accommodated. A whole new system comparable to the theater, for example, could be added in one fell swoop. For example, junk sculpture added within sculpture, happenings added within theater. Em pirically, th e su b w o rld s of the various a rt m e d ia m ay be su b d iv id ed into se p a ra the a n d alm ost n o n c o m m u n ic a tin g segm ents. Instead, m e m b e rs of one group develop a u d ie n c e s a n d so u rces of s u p p o rt from sectors of the society th a t w ould not have s u p p o rte d the o th e r a rt w orld seg m en ts with w h ic h they m ig h t com pete.

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