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This also includes psychological problems of depression anxiety xanax forums bupron sr 150 mg purchase visa, anxiety and social withdrawal. Each item was rated on a fivepoint scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The reliability Results Reliability of the Instruments: the reliability test for all scales were acceptable as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Result of reliability test for the research instruments Instrument Sport Centre Facilities Mental Health Cronbach Alpha Value 0. Most of the participants were aged between 21 to 25 years old (55 participants) and only 3 participants aged between 17 to 20 years old. Table 2: Demographic Information of the Participants Demographic Information Gender Male Female 17-20 21-25 Age 26-30 31-35 36-40 Hockey Teamsport Softball Basketball Futsal Types of Student Undergraduate Post-graduate Frequency (f) 24 35 3 55 0 0 1 25 15 9 10 57 2 Percentage (%) 40. Level of sport centre facilities satisfaction: the findings revealed that the level of sport centre facilities were low and moderate. More than 50% (37 participants) considered the facilities provided by sport centre as moderate. Table 3: Level of sport centre facilities satisfaction Level of Sport Centre Facilities Low Moderate High Total f 22 37 0 59 Percent (%) 37. Level of Mental Health: Table 4 displayed percentage of participants found with high level of mental health. Table 4: Level of Mental Health Level of Mental Health Low Moderate High Total f 0 10 49 59 Percent (%) 0 16. Mean scores found to be moderate on the quantity of the facilities for teamsport, variety of the facilities for team sports, lighting glare, toilet and changing room and the services provided by staff at sports centre. There was a positive relationship between quantity of the facilities for teamsport (r=0. However there was no significant relationship between variety of the facilities for teamsport and mental health.

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