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The skin is a major source of vitamin D which it produces when exposed to sunlight blood pressure table aceon 4 mg buy with mastercard. Also called cranium skull fracture a condition in which one of the bones in the skull has been fractured slash /sl / noun a long cut with a knife He had bruises on his face and slashes on his hands. Children require more (ten to twelve hours) but older people need less, possibly only four to six hours. Sleep forms a regular pattern of stages: during the first stage the person is still conscious of his or her surroundings, and will wake on hearing a noise; afterwards the sleeper goes into very deep sleep (slow-wave sleep), where the eyes are tightly closed, the pulse is regular and the sleeper breathes deeply. Also called African trypanosomiasis sleep apnoea sleeping pill sleeping sickness traction for a fracture of a femur, in which weights are attached to pull the leg slight /slaIt/ adjective not very serious He has a slight fever. Smoke from burning tobacco contains nicotine and other substances which stick in the lungs, and can in the long run cause cancer and heart disease. Smells are sensed by receptors in the nasal cavity which transmit impulses to the brain. When food is eaten, the smell is sensed at the same time as the taste is sensed by the taste buds, and most of what we think of as taste is in fact smell, which explains why food loses its taste when someone has a cold and a blocked nose. Snellen type / sneln taIp/ noun different Snellen type sniff type sizes used on a Snellen chart sniff /snIf/ noun an act of breathing in air or smelling through the nose They gave her a sniff of smelling salts to revive her. Also called bicarbonate of soda sodium chloride / sdim kl raId/ noun common salt sodium fusidate / sdim fju sIdeIt/ noun an antibiotic used mainly to treat penicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections sodium pump / sdim p mp/ noun a cellular process in which sodium is immediately excreted from any cell which it enters and potassium is brought in sodium valproate / sdim v l preIt/ noun an anticonvulsant drug used especially to treat migraines, seizures and epilepsy sodokosis / sd ksIs/, sodoku / sdku / noun a form of rat-bite fever, in which swellings in the jaws do not occur sodomy / sdmi/ noun anal sexual intercourse between men soft /sft/ adjective not hard or not resistant to pressure soft chancre /sft k/ noun same as sodium bicarbonate sodium chloride sodium fusidate sodium pump sodium valproate sodokosis sodomy soft soft chancre soft, or become soft soft palate /sft p lt/ noun the back part of the palate leading to the uvula. Compare psychosomatic somatic nerve /s m tIk n v/ noun any of the sensory and motor nerves which control skeletal muscles somatic nervous system /s m tIk n vs sIstm/ noun the part of the nervous system that serves the sense organs and muscles of the body wall and limbs, and brings about activity in the voluntary muscles somato- /smt/ prefix 1. Also called sleepwalking somnambulist /sm n mbjlIst/ noun a person who walks in his or her sleep. Also called sleepwalker somnambulistic /smn mbj lIstIk/ adjective referring to somnambulism somnolent / smnlnt/ adjective sleepy somnolism / smnlIzm/ noun a trance which is induced by hypnotism Somogyi effect / md i I fekt/, Somogyi phenomenon / md i fI nmnn/ noun in diabetes mellitus, a swing to a high level of glucose in the blood from an extremely low level, usually occurring after an untreated insulin reaction during the night.

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This is the period preceding the focal cerebral symptoms of the actual migraine headache class 4 arrhythmia drugs aceon 2 mg order otc. Auras typically involve visual disturbances, which can range from undulating lines (resembling hot air rising), lightning flashes, circles, sparks or flashing lights (photopsia), or zig-zag lines (fortification figures, teichopsia, scintillating scotoma). The visual images, which may be white or colored, cause gaps in the visual field and usually have scintillating margins. Emotional changes (anxiety, restlessness, panic, euphoria, grief, aversion) of variable intensity are relatively common. Others have pain in the entire head, particularly behind the eyes ("as if the eye were being pushed out"), in the nuchal region, or in the temples. Central Nervous System Headache application of heat to the eye may alleviate the pain. Unlike migraine patients, who seek peace and quiet, these patients characteristically pace restlessly, and may even strike their aching head with a fist. The headache may be accompanied by ipsilateral ocular (watery eyes, conjunctival injection, incomplete Horner syndrome, photophobia), nasal (nasal congestion, rhinorrhea), and autonomic manifestations (facial flushing, tenderness of temporal artery, nausea, diarrhea, polyuria, fluctuating blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia). Attacks do not occur in clusters, but rather persist for more than one year at a time, punctuated by remissions lasting no longer than two weeks. Chronic cluster headache may arise primarily, or else as a confluence of clusters in what began as episodic cluster headache. There is also evidence suggesting a role for inflammatory dilatation of the intracavernous venous plexus.

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Small mammals Fipronil (Frontline) is a topical ectoparasitic drug approved for use in dogs and cats heart attack news aceon 4 mg sale. There are multiple anecdotal reports of toxicity in rabbits, even when administered topically in small doses. Clinical signs of intoxication usually appear within 24 hours of application, but initial adverse signs have been seen up to several weeks following topical application. Initial signs include lethargy and anorexia, but these often progress quickly to seizures. Treatment includes bathing (if the drug was recently applied), and oral activated charcoal. Certain antibiotics are contraindicated with oral administration to hind-gut fermenters, including rabbits and herbivorous rodents (guinea pigs, chinchillas, degus). These drugs lead to disruption of the normal intestinal flora and subsequent dysbiosis. Proliferation of clostridial or coliform bacteria occurs, and their toxins lead to diarrhea within 24-48 hours in most animals. Drugs with narrowspectrums, such as beta-lactams, macrolides, and lincosamides are most commonly implicated. Antibiotic-associated enteritis or enterotoxaemia can occur from any antibiotic, but it is uncommon in the sulfa and fluoroquinolone classes. Interestingly, most rabbits can tolerate parenteral use of procaine, benzocaine, or dual-penicillin with minimal gastrointestinal side effects. While these adverse effects appear to be most commonly associated with oral administration, there is a peer-reviewed report of lethal hemorrhagic typhlitis in guinea pigs administered penicillin parenterally. Diagnosis is usually based on clinical signs and history of recent administration of one of the offending antibiotics. A complete blood count and biochemical profile should be performed to evaluate for underlying metabolic and systemic disorders that may or may not be associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

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Altus, 45 years: Studies have indicated that there is a negative relationship between the number of flukes present and weight gain by the bird and a positive relationship between the num- ber of flukes present and the number of white blood cells and body temperature. Intermittent hemodialysis has been a successful treatment in managing renal failure in cats and dogs. Renal clearance is the sum of glomerular filtration and tubular secretion minus the reaborption.

Raid, 30 years: These efforts have been undertaken despite a mountain of domestic and international scientific evidence demonstrating the linkages between the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture and the emergence of bacteria resistant to antibiotics of critical importance to human health and to the frequency of resistant strains of bacteria in human beings. Symbol c centigrade / sentI reId/ noun same as Celcensus center -centesis centicentigrade sius cell which surrounds the nucleus and from which the axon and dendrites begin cell division / sel dI vI n/ noun the way in which a cell reproduces itself. Spontaneous Activity At rest, a normal muscle is electrically silent except in the region of the neuromuscular junctions, where spontaneous endplate potentials result from spontaneous continuous release of vesicles containing acetylcholine.

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